Vous pensiez que vos stars préférées ont disparu ? Découvrez ce qu’elles sont devenues aujourd’hui. Certaines vont vous étonner



Do you remember the famous series “Xena, the warrior princess”? It was Lucy Lawless who played the heroine in this series. She did not stop at the filming of the latter. Lucie Lawless, after Xena was discontinued in 2002, continued with other series. At the same time, she began a career as a singer and actress. The star has yet to retire. She is 53 years old and still living life to the fullest. Lucie Lawless still turns in series like “X-Files”, “Tarzan”, “Spiderman”, “The L World”, “Spartacus”, etc. She also turns in films, citing for example “Les Ailes du chaos”.

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