Celeb Houses

Meg Ryan – $10.9 Million, Soho


Meg Ryan has been a wonderful actress throughout her career, and we have no qualms in accepting that we still root for her. Her loft in Soho is one of a kind and is impeccably beautiful.

She has renovated the place at least 9 times and in every revamp, she has innovated something or the other. As an interior designer, she has done a pretty good job and we guess she has a good option of earning money once she retires from acting.

The property is around 4100 square feet in area and has 8 closets, 13 windows, a master bedroom, ebony wooden floors, floor-to-ceiling French doors, and a 40-foot gallery. Meg’s current financial status is pretty good and her purchase of the $10-million apartment is a testimony to that fact. Her financial lawyer might also be playing a good role in her investments.


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