Featured in the 2021 TV series “American Gangster: Trap Queens,” the former American basketball player Dennis Rodman is a cultural icon known for his outstanding NBA career, uncanny style, and occasional Hollywood appearances. All things considered, Rodman’s net worth should sit way above a mere $500K. So, why is his fortune so underwhelming?
Even though Rodman won an estimated $43 million in his NBA and Hollywood days, he saw his net worth plummet due to a series of fines. He also spent a lot of money trying to keep up with his lavish lifestyle, which often resulted in hefty debts.
Featured in the 2021 TV series “American Gangster: Trap Queens,” the former American basketball player Dennis Rodman is a cultural icon known for his outstanding NBA career, uncanny style, and occasional Hollywood appearances. All things considered, Rodman’s net worth should sit way above a mere $500K. So, why is his fortune so underwhelming?
Even though Rodman won an estimated $43 million in his NBA and Hollywood days, he saw his net worth plummet due to a series of fines. He also spent a lot of money trying to keep up with his lavish lifestyle, which often resulted in hefty debts.