During times of crisis, the motivation to give back to the community is usually hot and heavy. Especially for parents, this is the perfect time to teach your children what being human is all about.
And though the concept of volunteering is rooted in the idea of helping others, you might find yourself benefiting from this noble activity, too.
Volunteering is a great way to spend time together as a family. The pandemic has left very few in-person activities to indulge in but, that doesn’t mean you can’t volunteer as a family at all.
Here are a few of our top picks:
1. Clean Up Your Community
We know it’s pretty chilly out now to go for stream or beach cleanups, but this is the perfect family volunteering activity to indulge in if your location allows for it. You might be able to find organized groups but even if you can’t, what’s there to worry about?
Just grab a disposable bag, some gloves, and you’re good to go! You could also tidy up a neighborhood park or offer to rake your neighbor’s lawn. If you think about it, the possibilities are endless!

2. Help Your Neighbors With Their Shopping
At this time, leaving the home is a bit of a no-no for immunocompromised and senior citizens. Mutual aid networks and online neighborhood-based groups have been valuable resources to such people so an excellent volunteering opportunity is signing yourself up for one of such platforms. The internet will lead you to local apps and Facebook groups that constantly search for more volunteers.

3. Donate Blood
Even though children under the age of 16 can’t partake in this activity, it shows them the importance of helping people however and whenever they can. Due to the pandemic situation, many hospitals faced blood shortages. Humanitarian organizations like the Red Cross are available in just about every country and you can easily donate your blood to potentially save someone’s life.

Wrapping It Up
A BMC Public Health study published in 2018 revealed that out of 1,504 participants, those who had volunteered within a year’s time reported feeling socially, mentally, and physically better. In an increasingly detached world, it is important now more than ever to teach your children the importance of giving back to the community.