If you are a parent, perhaps one of the hardest challenges for you is feeding your newborn baby – especially if they are twins. According to medical studies, babies who are born before their due date of birth, they are very likely to encounter major health issues. “Most of them can not survive,” says the study. “But if you are lucky enough to have your prematurely born child survive, your baby needs special care.”

However, there are multiple special medical care methods for such premature babies. The foremost among them is called the high-calorie formula. In this formula, the unhealthy and prematurely-born kids go through a pacific medical procedure for two weeks. This treatment ensures that the baby does not develop any disability or bodily fragility – something that is common among premature babies.
Nonetheless, American parents can not find such medicare for their babies and, of course, it is worrisome for them. One of such stories comes from Anchorage Alaska, where Camron Stripling gives birth to two twin babies 14 weeks earlier. Consequently, twin babies are slightly overweight than average newborn babies. Nonetheless, doctors assert that the newborn girls of Stripling have not shown any major health risks yet.

Baby Formula Shortage is A Growing Issue Throughout the U.S.
What is gruesome about Ms. Stripling’s story is not the fact that her babies are preterm. Instead, it is the fact that she can not find any high-calorie supplements to support her breastfeeding her twins. Likewise, she was discharged from the hospital without any particular formula or guidelines.
“We are very lucky that our baby girls survived and they are healthy,” says Stripling. “The last four months have been quite challenging for our family. We were discharged from the hospital without any proper formula and after arriving at our home, we visited numberless stores to find supplements for breastfeeding the babies without any luck.” Furthermore, Stripling goes on to say that this “Formula Shortage” is a growing issue in Alaska – if not throughout the U.S.

Enfamil NeuroPro EnfaCare is a medically approved supplement that should be used for prematurely born babies. Unfortunately, this supplement is also very rare to find in medical stores. In turn, this poses another challenge for American parents.
The Government Officials Are Looking to Address the Matter
For parents like Stripling, it is difficult to find all the dietary supplements that their preterm babies need. Similarly, there is no baby formula in place, which further worsens the matter.
To cope with this preterm baby issue, government officials are actively taking initiatives. The US military and Abbot Nutrition (a non-profit organization) have also taken certain steps to eradicate the issues of prematurely born babies.