If you have ever planned a wedding before, you will be aware of the fact that it is quite a hectic task. From managing the list of guests, and menu to outfits, it takes up to 15 months to properly plan and manage a wedding. That is why, it is a worthwhile idea to get ideas from expert wedding planners, to ease the task and to make the most out of your wedding.

To get some expert tips from wedding planners, we reached out to Chicago-based wedding planners Betsy and Elsey. The two sisters create online content for weddings and share wedding tips and shortcuts on TikTok – where they have over 200,000 followers. Here are the 4 top wedding tips they came up with:
Keep “The Big Day” in Mind
“One of the most pleasing tips about wedding planning is keeping “The Big Day” in mind,” says Elsey. By “The Big Day,” she means the day when you tie the knot – i.e., your wedding day. She goes on to say, “If you imagine and visualize your wedding day, while preparing for the wedding, you will be able to see the bigger picture.” Consequently, it will make preparation more of joyous activity.

Likewise, if you make the wedding preparations in an exuberant mode, you will efficiently make the most out of it. In the words of Elsey, you will “Decorate every single piece with a mastery touch, you won’t forget any guest, and you will plan every single activity with absolute efficacy.” So, before you tie the knot, imagine “The Big Day” and visualize your guests. Likewise, feel how exactly you would like your wedding to look like. As a result, you will see every single thing in proper position on “The Big Day.”
2. Have A Solid Time Frame for Every Single Task
Another top wedding tip that Elsey shares is giving yourself a solid time for every single task. “In wedding preparations, a lot of people either overdo or underdo some tasks,” she argues. She goes on to say that this results in misalignment of the tasks. “Making the complete list of guests should not take over one hour,” says Elsey. Likewise, she recommends that wedding shopping should be carefully done in one month.

Furthermore, Elsey suggests that giving enough time to every single task will ease the preparation and will allow you to make the most out of it.
3. Keep Things Acutely Streamlined
“A common problem with every wedding planning, that we notice, is the misalignment of tasks,” argues Elsey. She goes on to say, “if you fail to streamline every single thing – from the menu list and seating management to shopping – you will pose certain hindrances in your wedding.” That is why she recommends acutely streamlining every single thing.
4. Everyone’s Opinion is Not Meant for You
“When it comes to weddings, everyone has an opinion,” says Elsey as she smirks with sarcasm. She goes on to say, “while planning your wedding, you must be pristinely clear that not everyone’s opinion is meant for you.” Rather, she suggests that you must figure out what best works for you, and that you should plan in accordance with your own opinion.